@extends('layouts.admin') @section('page-title') Licenses @endsection @section('page-top-title') Licenses @endsection @section('content-body')


{{-- Add New License Modal --}} {{-- Add New License --}} {{-- --}}
@if (auth()->user()->user_type == 1) @endif @isset($licenses) @foreach ($licenses as $item) @if (auth()->user()->user_type == 1) @php $isReadOnly = ''; if (auth()->user()->user_type == 1) { $isReadOnly = ' readonly'; } else { $isReadOnly = ''; } @endphp @endforeach @endisset
License ID Name TypeEstablishmentNationality Work Experience Status Expires on Actions
{{ $item->id }} {{ ucfirst($item->applicant_name) }} {{ $item->license_type_name . ' (' . $item->license_type_id . ')' }} {{ \App\Models\Establishment::find($item->establishment_id) ? \App\Models\Establishment::find($item->establishment_id)->name : 'NA' }} @endif {{ $item->nationality }} {{ $item->work_experience }}
{{ $item->is_approved == 1 ? 'Approved' : 'Approval Pending' }}
@php $oneYearLater = $item->created_at->addYear()->format('d-M-Y'); @endphp {{ $oneYearLater }} @if (auth()->user()->user_type == 1) @if ($item->is_approved) @else @endif @endif {{-- You NEVER delete a license because you can never 'create' a license. A license is only 'created' post profile approval and from thereon, can only be 'renewed' --}} {{-- @if (auth()->user()->user_type == 3)   @endif --}} View Details
@endsection @section('page-scripts') {{-- --}} {{-- --}} @endsection